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Committee Position with the Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF)

Apply here by May 20th 11:59 pm

The Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) is a student-led, student-funded organization housed in the UW Sustainability Office in Gerberding Hall. The Services and Activities Fee (SAF) along with the Student Technology Fee (STF) makes available approximately half a million dollars each year for student-driven sustainability projects. Since its founding in 2010, the CSF has approved over 154 projects representing many aspects of sustainability and totaling close to 2.7 million dollars in funding.

The CSF consists of 8 student committee member along with other non-voting, ex-officio staff advisors. The committee is responsible for providing direction for all aspects of the fund; including project approval, strategic visioning, budget oversight, etc.

They are seeking students to serve as a part of its committee in the 2019-2020 school year. This position is up to a 2-year term for a graduate student to serve as the Environmental Stewardship Committee (ESC) representative. It is an exciting opportunity for graduate students to get involved in the decision-making process of CSF grants along with gaining skills in leadership, budgeting and understanding of grant-making.


Apply here by May 20th 11:59 pm or reach out to Kyle McDermott at with any questions.

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