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Camp Yakety Yak volunteer and intern opportunity for students

Camp Yakety Yak is a camp designed for school-age children with autism.  Each summer we have a professional staff of special educators and speech-language pathologists who work with graduate students, college students and high school student volunteers to put on a wonderful camp experience for a special population of children who otherwise might not be able to attend summer camp.  We provide about 22 hours of training prior to camp to help equip college students with the knowledge they will need to be camp leaders. Each summer we have college student interns from all around the country, which makes for a fun opportunity for them to network. We have paid internship opportunities available as well as general volunteer positions. There is an opportunity to receive a personalized letter of recommendation from our professional staff for jobs or graduate school.

Our website is up and running, ready to take applications for the Summer 2020 camp sessions.  Since each college promotes volunteer opportunities in different ways, would you help us spread the word to your department?  If you have a community service or intern fair that we can be part of, please let me know and I can see if someone from our camp staff can come represent.  If you have peer mentors that work with your special needs students, could you pass this information on to those teachers who can help us reach the students that might be interested? Honor students might also be interested in a way to gain their volunteer hours over the summer.  I have attached a flyer that will help guide a potential college intern through our application process.

To apply visit!

Questions? Call (971) 303-3901 or email

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