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Montana Schools Virtual Career Fair

We are proud to announce the very first Montana Schools Virtual Career Fair featuring ALL open positions (general ed, special ed, admin, SLP, Psych, OT/PT, etc.) for next school year. This event is FREE for job seekers.  Job seekers need to register online by clicking here. 


Join our Virtual Career Fair to meet with representatives from Montana school districts about current openings for the 2020-2021 school year!

  • Save time and meet with recruiters online
  • Event is free for job seekers to attend
  • Hiring all subject areas & grade levels


  • This virtual event takes place on March 13th from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm. Those jobseekers interested in participating need to Register in advance. Jobseeker registration is FREE. The event is open to anyone looking for a position in a rural Montana public school beginning this coming fall. You are welcome to participate even if you haven’t graduated yet and don’t have a license yet.
  • The registration process consists of about 20 short questions that will be the core of your profile that potential employers will look at to determine if they want to schedule a ‘chat’ with you on March 13th. You will decide which invitations you want to accept. As of 2/10/2020, there were 58 open positions listed.
  • It is optional to provide an email address and/or phone number. All contact and communication can take place within the CareerEco platform.
  • You can enhance your profile by including more information such as a resume, letters of reference, copies of transcripts, cover letters, and portfolio samples. You also have full control over your email preferences.
  • All ‘chats’ are scheduled for your convenience. Chats can lead to live video interviews similar to Skype or Facetime so be dressed appropriately. These live communications happen within the CareerEco platform.
  • You are encouraged to have a quiet place to participate in the event using a computer with a camera or your smartphone. Ensuring adequate and dependable internet connectivity will be important.
  • You may receive a job offer on March 13th or you may be asked for a follow-up interview. The decisions to accept these offers are yours to make.

The Montana Rural Teacher Virtual Career Fair is new to Montana. The event sponsors – MREA, MRP, and SAM consider it ‘the great experiment’ but it is part of a strategic effort to help rural schools in Montana fill positions for the next school year. CareerEco, the platform vendor, is based in Atlanta, GA and was selected after 18 months of research and vetting by the sponsors. As of 2/10/2020, CareerEco is scheduled to facilitate 29 virtual career events before April 21st.

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