Who: Lavender Graduation is open to any student eligible, at any level (undergraduate or graduate/professional) for graduation in the 2018-2019 (including fall 2019) academic year. Guests do not have to be graduating or be of a certain sexual or gender orientation/identity/expression to participate or attend this year-end celebration. Everyone is welcome!!!
What: The best party on the UW Campus, of course.
When: TUESDAY, June 11th, from 6-8:30 PM.
Graduates please arrive by NO LATER than 5:15 PM.
Where: wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ – Intellectual House (4249 Whitman Court) on the University of Washington campus.
Why: The Q Center and QSC host Lavender Graduation as a time for the UW queer, two-spirit, trans, GNC, LGBTQIA+, and allied communities to come together and celebrate their multiple identities, their accomplishments, and sheer AWESOMENESS.
How: IF YOU ARE GRADUATING, please register at https://tinyurl.com/lavgraddawgs2019 by June 5th.
Attire: Participants and guests can wear whatever they want. If you want to dress up, or down, go for it. If you wish to wear cultural regalia, please do. You want to be comfy, have at it. This is your night!
For more information about the event, contact qcenter@uw.edu or call (206) 897-1430