Like 2020, 2021 has been quite the year so far!
We understand that academic programs have been slowly getting back to more “normal” schedules and are gradually returning to a sense of pre-COVID order.
Congratulations on making things work during a very difficult time.
We wanted to take a moment to make your program aware of The MedSLP Summit.
The MedSLP Summit is a chance for your students to listen to up to 10 hours (20 thirty minute presentations) of evidence-based material about multiple topics in the medical SLP world.
And are you ready for this?
The event is completely FREE (AND NO you do NOT have to be a MedSLP Collective member to register)!
We hope that you will pass this information on to your students and even your faculty!
Please join us for The MedSLP Summit on May 17th-21st from 8:00-10:00 PM EST.
This virtual summit will consist of 20 short presentations presented by 20 of our mentors.
Come climb the evidence-based mountain with us!
It will be a fun, energizing, and positive experience for your students.
This link will register them and they can check out the amazing speaker line up as well:
Warm Regards,
Theresa Richard & Team