June 1, 2021
Forecast: June 1st, 2021
By Conor Finneran
Hello Huskies!
Today will be an even hotter day than yesterday, with highs peaking in the low 80s with brilliantly sunny skies.
Tomorrow we’ll see an effective repeat of today, with similar temperatures and completely clear skies. More moderate temperatures will return Thursday and Friday, with highs about 10 degrees cooler than today and tomorrow. Overcast skies, rain showers and highs in the 60s will return Saturday, and continue into Sunday.
This week we saw extreme drought conditions (colored in red) creep into eastern Washington. As of right now, Seattle is still under abnormally dry but not drought conditions.
Have a great work and congratulations to all recent graduates!
Reach forecaster Conor Finneran at theuwdawgcast@uw.edu and on twitter @conweather
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