Laura Cornelius Kellogg

Basic Information Laura (Miriam) Cornelius Kellogg, born on September 8th, 1880, in Seymour, Wisconsin, was a member of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, which encompassed the Mohawk, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, Seneca, and Tuscarora nations (Stanciu, 2013). Kellogg’s life’s work aimed to revitalize Haudenosaunee culture and return to traditional practices rather than assimilation into White American culture. Her…

Sarah Winnemucca

Basic Information Sarah Winnemucca was an indigenous woman born around the year of 1844. Her tribe’s territory was located in what is currently the state of Nevada (Hopkins, 2015, p. 4; 2017, p. 9). Given the mistreatment of indigenous people during European colonization, Winnemucca became an activist for indigenous rights. She started by advocating for…

Marie Bottineau Baldwin

Basic Information An important leader to the suffragist movement, Marie Bottineau Baldwin was born in Pembina, North Dakota into the Chippewa tribe on December 14, 1863. She became the first person of color to graduate from Washington College of Law with a law degree and was passionate about using her unique position to speak up…

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