
Commute Seattle (Shen, PI, Treece, Moudon Co-PIs) 2022-23 Seattle Commute Survey.

Washington State Department of Transportation (Shen, PI, Acolin, Moudon, Co-PIs) 2022-23. Park & Ride sites potential for Transit Oriented Development.

US and Washington State Departments of Transportation (PacTrans Regional University Transportation Center) (Moudon, PI) 2020-22. Economic and Health Metrics of Active School Travel: A Practical Tool for Transportation Planners and Educators.

Washington State Department of Transportation (Hallenbeck, PI, Moudon Co-PI) 2020-21 Highway System Plan.

NHTSA National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, (Boyle, Lead PI, Ebel, Moudon, Mooney, Saelens, Co-PIs) 2019-22. Measuring Pedestrian Exposure Using Electronic Devices.

US and Washington State Departments of Transportation (PacTrans Regional University Transportation Center) (Shen, PI, Ban, Lowry, Moudon, Co-PIs) 2020-22 Shared Mobility Options for the Commute Trip: Opportunities for Employers and Employees.

US Department of Transportation (PacTrans Regional University Transportation Center) (Moudon, Ban, Shen, Lowry – Co-PI) 2018-2020. The Impact of Shared Mobility on Travel Demand.

Washington State Department of Transportation (Boyle, Moudon Co-PI) 2018-2020. Advancing Multimodal Safety through Pedestrian Risk Reduction.

National Institutes of Health R01-DK114196 (Arterburn– PI) Subcontract to Kaiser Permanente Washington. 2018-2022. Moving To Health

National Institutes of Health R01CA178343 (Saelens – PI), Subcontract to Seattle Children Research Institute, 2014-2020. Structural & Programmatic Effects of Bus Rapid Transit on Physical Activity (ACTION).

US Department of Transportation (PacTrans Regional University Transportation Center) (Moudon – PI) 2017-2020, Washington School Walkability Score

US Department of Transportation (PacTrans Regional University Transportation Center) (Moudon – PI) 2019-2021, Longitudinal Analyses of Washington State Student Travel Surveys

National Institutes of Health R01DK076608-08A1  (Drewnowski – PI) 2011-2020. Food Environment, Diet Quality and Disparities in Obesity (SOS).

National Institutes of Health R56AG042176 (Duncan – PI) 2017-2019. TWINStudy of Environment, Lifestyle Behaviors, and Health

National Institutes of Health R01CA163146 (Mendoza- PI), Subcontract to Seattle Children Research Institute, 2016-2018. Evaluation of a Walking School Bus Program: A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial

US Department of Transportation (PacTrans Regional University Transportation Center) (Moudon – PI) 2017. Safe from Crime at Location-Specific Transit Facilities.

US Department of Transportation (PacTrans Regional University Transportation Center) (Moudon – PI) 2015-2017, Safe Main Street Highways.

US Department of Transportation (PacTrans Regional University Transportation Center) (Chen, Moudon– Co-PI) 2012-2013, An innovative survey design to understand sustainable travel behaviors

National Institutes of Health R01 DA032309 (Duncan – PI) 2008-2016. Twins Social Environment.

Washington State Department of Transportation (Moudon – Co-PI with M Hallenbeck). 2012. Evaluating Strategies to Reduce VMT: Planning Level Tool Development and A Framework for Performance Monitoring.

National Institutes of Health RO1H 103478 (Doescher – PI) 2010-14. Rural Town Walkability: Measuring The Effect of the Built Environment.

National Institutes of Health R01 HL091881 (Saelens – PI), 2008-2013. The Effect of Light Rail Transit on Physical Activity: A Natural Experiment (TRAC).

Washington State Department of Transportation (Moudon – PI) 2013. Land Development Risk Analysis.

Washington State Department of Transportation (Moudon – PI), 2012. Evaluating Strategies to Reduce VMT: Planning Level Tool Development and a Framework for Performance Monitoring

US and Washington State Departments of Transportation, Transportation Pooled Funds (Moudon – PI), 2008-2012. Safe Routes to School, Statewide Mobility Assessment Study.

National Institutes of Health RC2HL103416 (Buchwald – PI) 2009-12. Building a Unique National Community Based Twin Repository. ARRA Grand Opportunities (GO).

National Institutes of Health R21AG032232 (Duncan – PI) 2007-10. Bioengineering Approaches to Energy Balance and Obesity.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (Krieger—PI) 2007-09. New Urbanist Community Design on Physical Activity of Public Housing Residents: A Longitudinal Study.

Washington Traffic Safety Commission (Moudon – PI) 2007-2009. Frequency and Severity of Injury in Pedestrian-Motor-Vehicle Collisions: Examining The Role of Speed and Impairment as Risk Factors.

Public Health—Seattle & King County, Kellogg Foundation Grant (Krieger—PI) 2007-09. King County Food and Fitness Initiative.

University of Washington Royalty Research Fund (Moudon – Co-PI with B Borriello) 2007-08. Measuring Physical Activity and Location in Real Time-space.

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Substance Abuse Policy Research Program (SAPRP) (Moudon – PI) 2007-2008. The Effectiveness of Needle Disposal Programs for injection drug users.

US Department of Transportation (TransNow) (Moudon – PI) 2006-2007, Managing Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety.

Streetcar Alliance and the Urban League (Moudon– PI) 2006-07, Streetcar Feasibility Study.

Washington State Department of Transportation (Moudon – PI) 2007. Collision Data Geocoding.

Puget Sound Regional Council and Washington State DOT (Moudon – Co-PI, with M. Hallenbeck and D Carlson) 2006. Multimodal Concurrency.

Washington State Washington State Departments of Transportation and US Department of Transportation (TransNow) (Moudon – PI) 2005-06, Managing Pedestrian Safety.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDCS) (Moudon – PI; Cheadle, Collier, Weathers, and Johnson, Co-PIs) 2001-2004, Walk and Bike Communities Project (WBC).

Washington State Department of Transportation (TRAC) (Moudon – PI) 2004-05, Transportation Efficient Land Use Mapping Index (TELUMI).

Washington State Department of Transportation (TRAC), (Moudon – PI) 2001-03. Transportation Efficient Land Use and Development Patterns, a Reference Manual.

Washington State Department Of Transportation (TRAC) and US Department of Transportation (TransNow). (Moudon – PI) 1999-2001. Targeting Pedestrian Infrastructure Improvements.

Washington State Department of Transportation (TRAC). (Moudon – PI) 1995-1997. Effects of Site Design on Pedestrian Travel Behavior in Mixed-Use, Medium-Density Environments.

National Institute on Aging (Koepsell – PI, Moudon, Wolf and Buchner, Co-PI) 1994-99, Case-Control Study of Older-Pedestrian Injury Sites


TELUMI: The Transportation-Efficient Land Use Mapping Index

WBC: Walkable And Bikable Communities Project

Home Versus Nonhome Neighborhood

How to Identify Food Deserts

Walking Objectively Measured

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