Welcome to UW Allies
The UW Allies program serves graduate students and postdoctoral scholars in basic science labs at UW. Allies are faculty volunteers who provide trainees with support during conflict with mentors and lab mates, assistance in navigating institutional barriers to success, and connection with institutional and community services. Allies stand in solidarity with trainees, so they don’t have to face challenges alone.
To request support from the Allies:
Graduate student and postdoctoral trainees can send an email to uwallies@proton.me to be matched with an Allies team. Please include a short description of the situation and indicate if there are any members of the Leadership group that you do not want involved so we can keep your information confidential. Click here for more information.
Mentoring for Lunch: This is a drop-in, peer-mentoring program based on the CIMER Entering Mentoring curriculum. Each session begins with discussion of a case study and then the rest of the session is devoted to issues/examples that attendees bring from their own experience.
upcoming meetings (12:00 – 1:00 pm)
Feb 24, HSB G511 (note new room!)
Mar 17, HSB G328
Apr 21, HSB G328
May 19, HSB G328
Training to develop skills in trauma-informed and nonviolent communication skills. Open to all faculty and staff, email to register.
Faculty info sessions – learn about how the UW Allies program is building a community of mentoring practice, and how you can join us. Open to all faculty and staff.
10 Feb, 3:00 pm
13 Mar, 3:00 pm
11 Apr, 3:00 pm
(locations TBA)