LRM/RDA/RDF at the University of Washington Libraries: A Timeline

Last updated 2022-04-05

LRM/RDA/RDF is our preferred ontology for representing RDA description sets as linked data. This post is meant to serve as a quick reference to the work we have done in this area, with links to accompanying documentation and presentations.

2016 Published Mapping of RDA Core to BIBFRAME 2.0 (mapping)

2019-2020 Received a subgrant and participated as a cohort institution in LD4P2 (project wiki). We began our work on LRM/RDA/RDF in Sinopia and expanded our earlier RDA to BIBFRAME mapping.

2020 Published expanded RDA/RDF to BIBFRAME Mapping and corresponding RML-based transformation tool. (mapping) (transform tool) 

2020 Began Sinopia MAPs project to produce updated LRM/RDA/RDF application profiles for use in Sinopia (project)

2021 Presented on LD4P2 work at ALA BCM-IG (recording)

2021 Presented on local LRM/RDA/RDF projects at SWIB21 (recording)

2021 Moderated panel at BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe, “What role can RDA/RDF play in the transition to linked library data?” (question slides) (recording) (Zapounidou slides) (Dunsire blog post) (Zapounidou blog post)

2021 Launched MARC21 Bibliographic to LRM/RDA/RDF Mapping Project (project)

RDA, BIBFRAME, and Modeling Bibliographic Relationships

This is the second of of two posts1 on the panel discussion “What role can RDA/RDF play in the transition to linked library data?” which took place during the fifth annual meeting of the BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe, and featured comments from five distinguished panelists. This post briefly summarizes and discusses comments provided by Dr. Sofia Zapounidou, a librarian at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and member of the Standing Committee of the IFLA Cataloguing Section.2 She was asked to respond to the following question during the event:

RDA has been painstakingly aligned with the LRM; BIBFRAME3 has not. One of the most talked-about areas of concern is the absence of an expression entity in BIBFRAME. Could this, or other incompatibilities between RDA and BIBFRAME, have significant impacts?

Read more RDA, BIBFRAME, and Modeling Bibliographic Relationships

Gordon Dunsire on property chains and shortcuts in RDA/LRM

This is the first of two posts on the panel discussion “What role can RDA/RDF play in the transition to linked library data?” which took place during the 5th annual meeting of the BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe [1], and featured comments from five distinguished panelists [2]. This post is a transcription of the response from Gordon Dunsire (former chair of the RDA Steering Committee and current member of the RSC Technical Working Group [3]) to a question posed at the BIBFRAME Workshop, followed by an annotated version (annotated by Theo Gerontakos) engaging some of the areas discussed.

The question:

RDA/LRM/RDF contains elements that are essentially reified property chains in RDA, known as shortcuts, while BIBFRAME features many property chains that are not reified as specific elements – what many people call “nested” data. What are the pros and cons of property chains and reification, and do they cause interoperability problems?

Read more Gordon Dunsire on property chains and shortcuts in RDA/LRM

Using RML to transform RDA to BIBFRAME

We have been developing a mapping document to convert RDA-in-RDF created during testing of the Sinopia Linked Data Editor at the University of Washington Libraries to BIBFRAME. In order to implement this mapping, we have been experimenting with the RDF Mapping Language (RML) produced by Ghent University’s IDLab. Using RML, we are able to transform RDA data as represented in RDF/XML into BIBFRAME data in either Turtle or N-quads.

Our progress so far is viewable in our GitHub repository, including sample data for transformation, working mapping documents, and examples of the output we have gotten using RMLMapper. Our most extensive mapping document (workMonographMap.xml.ttl) is designed to transform data created using our monograph application profile for entities classed as an RDA Work.

We hope that our RML mapping documents can serve as examples to others who are trying to utilize RML, as the current specifications for RML are an unofficial draft (last updated July 2020). The examples in the specifications represent relatively simple transformations, leaving RML users to craft their own solutions for any data or transformation slightly more complicated.

Read more Using RML to transform RDA to BIBFRAME

RDA Relationship Designators for Subject Relationships in BIBFRAME

The Problem:

Using RDA (Resource Description and Access, 2017) guidelines we can represent with accuracy a work that is the subject of another work; for example, a book analyzing Shakespeare’s Hamlet could be represented in RDA as follows:

                    fake:studyOfHamlet     # imaginary book about Hamlet

                    rdaw:10140               # rda property “is analysis of work”

                    fake:Hamlet .         # local Work record for Hamlet.

Or, if we have a literal to represent Hamlet:



                    “Hamlet” .

How can these be expressed using BIBFRAME?


Proposed solution:

fake:studyOfHamlet  a  bf:Work ;

bf:subject  fake:Hamlet ;

bf:relatedTo  fake:Hamlet .

Or, when Hamlet is described using a literal:

fake:studyOfHamlet a bf:Work ;

bf:subject [ a madsrdf:Title ;

rdfs:label “Hamlet” ] ;

bf:relatedTo [ a bf:Work ;

rdfs:label “Hamlet” ] .



To express the relationship in the example above (and in similar relationships using the Appendix M relationship designators), we judged that BIBFRAME requires us to choose properties either from a set of “relationship” properties in a bf:relatedTo hierarchy, or another “subject” property outside that hierarchy, bf:subject. As a result the decisive question was, are the relationship designators in Appendix M (“is analysis of work” in the example above) “subjects” or “relationships”?  If the relationship designator is a “relationship,” we would use the property bf:relatedTo or one of its subproperties; if the relationship designator is a “subject,”  we would use BIBFRAME’s bf:subject property then, when the value is a literal, use MADS/RDF classes and properties to complete the description of that “subject.”

The solution proposed above considers the relation both a BIBFRAME relationship and a BIBFRAME subject.This decision originated from the RDA Registry where RDA “elements” are given a semantic web identity. RDA-RDF creators proliferated properties and situated each property in a rich hierarchy. RDA Appendix M relationship designators for subject relationships are placed in a hierarchy beneath the following “relationship” branch: “has related entity of RDA entity” → “has related RDA entity of RDA entity” → “has related RDA entity of work.” The hierarchy at this point breaks into multiple branches, including two “subject” branches, “has subject RDA entity” and “has subject.” Both those subject branches lead to the Appendix M relationship designators, including the one used in the example above, “is analysis of work.” This demonstrates that the RDA-RDF creators consider these relationship properties both “relationships” and “subjects,” as the “top” of the hierarchy describes relationships, while “the bottom” of the hierarchy describes subjects.

The decision also emerged from a general principle when mapping from one ontology to another: if the target ontology has multiple solutions for a single statement created using the source ontology, use the multiple solutions — all if possible — not just one. In this case, a single statement from RDA carries multiple meanings with a single predicate; if BIBFRAME has multiple predicates that approximate the full complexity of the original statement, use multiple predicates, not just one. Specifically we will not say the study of Hamlet is only related to Hamlet, but Hamlet is also the subject of the study of Hamlet.


Additional thoughts on the proposed solution in the example

  • Employing every possible solution using the target ontology may produce unnecessary redundancies, especially when using deeply hierarchical ontologies. Do we care?
  • BIBFRAME has no property more specific than bf:relatedTo to express the relationship in the example above.
  • When describing the resource using a literal:
    • a madrdf:Title “Describes a resource whose label represents a title” and applies in this case.
    • rdfs:label is actually an implementation of MADS/RDF, where madsrdf:authoritativeLabel would have been the correct property if the label “Hamlet” were controlled. It is not. madsrdf:authoritativeLabel is a subproperty of rdfs:label, which applies in this case and was used in the solution.

SHACL Cheat Sheet

Follow this link to: SHACL Cheat Sheet

version 0.2 2020-05-30

Cheat sheet to assist writing of code in the Shapes Constraint Language ( This cheat sheet invents two SHACL core groupings:
(1) “Core Core”
(2) “Intermediate Core”
The hope is that “Core Core” provides the bulk of properties and classes needed to write most shapes.


A Very Brief Overview of Past Semantic Web Research at the University of Washington Libraries




  • UW Libraries’ Cataloging and Metadata Services (CAMS) staff provide feedback on BIBFRAME 1 and 2 through Library of Congress (LOC) listservs and GitHub code repositories
  • CAMS staff prepare BIBFRAME training materials and offer sessions
  • 100+ MARC records are converted to BIBFRAME 1 and reviewed by cataloging staff
  • CAMS staff create an RDA Input Form as a proof-of-concept, demonstrating output of both RDA-in-RDF and BIBFRAME from input data


  • LoC releases BIBFRAME 2
  • Test conversion of MARC records to BIBFRAME 2
  • Comparative testing of searches on BIBFRAME data converted from MARC and digital-collections XML
  • CAMS publishes a mapping of BIBCO Standard Record RDA elements to BIBFRAME 2.0
  • First directed fieldwork in semantic web standards and data by a University of Washington iSchool student
  • CAMS publishes draft best practices for language tags in bibliographic linked data


Library Linked-Data Readings: Starting Up

The idea of a first reading list for anyone coming into library linked-data work is not realistic, for obvious reasons. We all show up with different backgrounds, skill sets, and learning styles, and this means that we’ll find different resources more and less helpful. For this reason I should say a little bit about my background as it relates to library linked-data work.

When I started my MLIS program I had no real programming experience. I did have an interest in computing, and maybe because of this, I found myself focusing on digital collections and digital preservation fairly early on. This put me in a challenging spot–I felt I had some catching up to do in terms of technical skills. I began to gain these through coursework and hands-on learning, but these things take time, and the process is ongoing. My approach to linked-data work–and this reading list–have been shaped by the fact that I’m a relative beginner.

Also, I selected from items I’ve already read to create this (very short) list, and I haven’t read everything on the subject! I hope to hear back from readers willing to share their experiences with resources not included here.

Read more Library Linked-Data Readings: Starting Up

Modeling LCSH Subject Headings as RDA Linked Data in Sinopia

We are writing a metadata application profile. We are following Library of Congress’ profile syntax for creating BIBFRAME profiles ( Almost all our properties have been taken from Resource Description and Access (RDA; see and the RDA Registry at These are json profiles, intended to produce data input forms that output linked data. The data input forms will display in a linked data editor currently in development, Sinopia (, allowing input specialists (catalogers, for example) to enter values for RDA properties. Once input, the data can be output as RDF data; that output is a presupposition of our work. In fact, we often create the profile in accordance with conceptual output we model for a given property. This entry illustrates that profile-creation practice: conceiving what data input form structures are required by modeling the form’s expected output; more specifically, this entry focuses on how the form outputs properties and values for subject headings (categories describing the content of a resource). The values are complex for library data because libraries traditionally use precoordinated headings ( as values, which our model must accommodate. How? This illustration is not an exhaustive treatment of precoordinated headings but, rather, a clue toward a possible solution.

Read more Modeling LCSH Subject Headings as RDA Linked Data in Sinopia