Political Economy Forum

October 7, 2020

Neither Free Nor Fair? Jevin West: A (Mis)Informed Public?


Guests: Jevin West, Associate Professor in the Information School, Director of the Center for an Informed Public, and co-founder of the DataLab at the University of Washington. Co-hosted with Morgan Wack of the Election Integrity Partnership.

In this episode, James Long speaks with Professor Jevin West of the University of Washington’s  Information School and Center for an Informed Public. The episode is co-hosted by Morgan Wack of the Election Integrity Partnership.

They discuss the role of online misinformation in contemporary American discourse, what it means for the public to be informed, and the potential of misinformation to undermine the legitimacy of the 2020 Election.

Other related work mentioned in the podcast:

Jevin’s new book with Carl Bergstrom on misinformation, “Calling Bullshit: Data Reasoning in a Digital World.

Jevin and colleagues Emma Spiro and Kate Starbird’s Washington Post article tracking the spread of Covid-related misinformation online.

Information about Jevin and Carl Bergstrom’s data literacy course “Calling Bullshit” is also available on their course website.