Political Economy Forum

October 11, 2020

Neither Free nor Fair? #5 America: a Fledgling Democracy?


Guests: Colin Cookman, program officer with the U.S. Institute of Peace’s Center for South and Central Asia, co-hosted by Bree Bang-Jansen, chair of the International Security Colloquium and affiliate of the Political Economy Forum affiliate at the University of Washington. 

In this episode, James Long speaks with Colin Cookman of the US Institute of Peace’s Center for South and Central Asia. The episode is co-hosted by Bree Bang-Jansen of UW’s International Security Colloquium and Political Economy Forum. 

They discuss Colin’s recently published USIP report, Assessing Afghanistan’s 2019 Election, and what lessons he thinks the international community should learn from supporting elections in developing countries and conversely, whether any of those lessons might apply to protecting electoral integrity in the US.

Other related work mentioned in the podcast:

Democracy International’s work supporting elections in Afghanistan and other emerging democracies.

Mike Callen of the London School of Economics and James’s research on tally fraud and problems of electoral corruption in Afghanistan

Danielle Jung of Emory University and James’s research on why Afghans turn out to vote.

James’s research on the “logic of insurgent electoral violence” in Afghanistan with Luke Condra (University of Pittsburgh), Andrew Shaver (UC-Merced), and Austin Wright (University of Chicago).