Political Economy Forum


September 28, 2020

Neither Free Nor Fair? Susan Hyde: Democratic Backsliding in the International Environment

https://soundcloud.com/political-economy-forum-at-university-of-washington/democratic-backsliding-in-the-international-environment   Neither Free Nor Fair? podcast #1: Democratic Backsliding in the International Environment. Guest: Susan Hyde, Professor of Political Science and the Avice M. Saint Chair in Public Policy at the University of California, Berkeley. This episode marks the inaugural podcast in the series, where James Long speaks with Professor Susan Hyde of UC-Berkeley…

September 15, 2020

What is Political Economy? Podcast Episode with Beatrice, James, Rachel & Victor

University of Washington Professors Rachel Heath, James Long, and Victor Menaldo discuss what Political Economy is and what it has to offer. Moderated by Beatrice Magistro: Click here

September 10, 2020

Ronald Coase’s Inimitable Contribution to Evidence Based Policy, By Victor Menaldo

Nobel Prize winning economist Ronald Coase’s 1960 piece, “The Problem of Social Cost”, is one of the most helpful ways to think about cost benefit analysis. It is therefore a pillar of evidence-based policy.   Setting the Table: What is Evidence Based Policy?   What is evidence-based policy? All public policy starts with a theory,…

August 29, 2020

Center Left Capitalism as the Key to Prosperity, By Victor Menaldo

Capitalism, in its modern form, is only about 250 years old and was ushered in during the industrial revolution. The advent of general-purpose technologies (GPT) transformed the scale of production and put productivity on an exponential growth path for the first time in human history. This ended the Malthusian Trap whereby increased economic productivity engendered…

July 9, 2020

Economic Growth and Increased Productivity is Only Half the Battle, By Taylor D.H. Rockhill

My career as an economist started nearly a decade ago, under the watchful eye of the inimitable Deirdre McCloskey. I still fondly remember reading her beautifully written, formidable Bourgeois trilogy and wondering: will I ever come close to attaining her seemingly bottomless well of knowledge? I highly recommend her Bourgeois books, Cult of Statistical Significance,…

July 8, 2020

F1 VISA Situation for International Students Taking Online Courses, by Beatrice Magistro

Thirteen years ago, a sixteen year-old teenager on a J-1 visa was preparing to enter the US as a high school exchange student, with the hope to live the American dream she had heard about and seen in the movies. I am that student, that experience changed my life and made me fall in love…

June 24, 2020

Where do good governments come from?, by Yu Sasaki

Where do good governments come from? An age old question, it remains pressing today. In countries such as Afghanistan, Libya, and Yemen multiple armed groups have been vying for political authority for years on end. The result: societies that lack a functioning state and, thus, societies wanting of security, infrastructure, and basic services. Rich countries…

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