Political Economy Forum


July 7, 2020

Digitalization, Superstar-Economics, and Major League Baseball, by Morgan Wack and Nicolas Wittstock

  The economy and labor markets across the US are changing dramatically. Big technology companies powered primarily by intangible assets are creating enormous value. Those who can take advantage of the emerging knowledge economy often reap huge rewards, while the returns to the second-best options dwindle or stagnate. Similarly, the returns to the right kind…

June 18, 2020

New Working Paper by Victor Menaldo

Do Patents Foster International Technology Transfer? Evidence from Spanish Steelmaking, 1850-1930. Why do developing countries protect the intellectual property rights (IPR) of foreign inventors? Does this facilitate technology transfer from the industrial frontier? This paper addresses those questions by telling the story of when and how technology was transferred through patent licensing to Spanish iron…

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