vENC for Researchers

vENC provides a return on the investment of an in person course by consolidating and maintaining health professionals’ skills in newborn resuscitation and care.

Solutions / vENC for Reseachers

Consolidate learning using vENC 

  • vENC is based on the most current WHO recommendations on newborn care including early skin-to-skin care and breastfeeding, newborn examination to identify danger signs, eye care and cord care, weighing the baby, vitamin K prophylaxis, monitoring the baby’s temperature, providing kangaroo care, and referral for advanced care when needed. 
  • When health professionals practice with virtual simulations, they appear more prepared to provide neonatal resuscitation and care or referral as appropriate for premature or sick term newborns. More studies are needed in a range of settings to evaluate the impact of vENC. 
  • vENC supports practice with offline data collection that syncs with internet access for tracking performance 

Download vENC on a facility-based or personal mobile device, with or without a virtual reality headset.

VENC provides standardized real-time feedback and a final score that reflects correct and incorrect actions and reliance on hints to complete the scenario.

Learners perform the actions to care for the newborn in the correct order without hints to increase their score.

vENC is designed for offline use with intermittent connection to the internet to upload performance data.

vENC does not replace a standard ENC course!

Virtual simulations are intended to complement other forms of learning, including manikin-based simulation.

Join the vENC Network 

We are working to expand the use of virtual simulations globally to improve maternal and child health. 


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