vENC for Educators

Solidify learner skills after the ENC course by encouraging virtual simulations for ongoing practice.

Solutions / vENC for Educators

Consolidate learning using vENC 

  • vENC emphasizes World Health Organization recommendations on evidence-based newborn care including early skin-to-skin care and breastfeeding, newborn exam and monitoring, eye care, cord care, vitamin K prophylaxis, kangaroo care, and referral for advanced care when needed. 
  • Educators and learners download vENC to a smartphone or tablet to practice simple scenarios featuring healthy newborns followed by more advanced  scenarios with premature or sick term newborns. 
  • When the vENC QI/research version is used, offline data automatically syncs to the vENC database when the device is connected to the internet.  
  • vENC use after a standard ENC course allows learners to consolidate their knowledge with standardized feedback and instructors to follow up on learning gaps. 
Baby scaling

Download vENC to a facility-based tablet or personal smartphone and access the scenarios with or without a low cost virtual reality headset.

With vENC, learners perform the actions to care for the newborn in the correct order without hints to increase their score.

vENC simulations can be used offline. When using the vENC QI/research version, encourage learners to connect to the internet periodically until the message on the start screen reads “upload complete”.

vENC does not replace the standard ENC course!

Virtual simulations complement other forms of learning, including manikin-based simulation.

Join the vENC Network

We are working to expand the use of virtual simulations globally to improve maternal and child health. 


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