Vision Journal Club
Welcome to the Vision Journal Club (VJC)
The course meets 12-1pm on Tuesdays in Kincaid 501
This is a 1 CR class where we read and discuss a vision paper every week. It’s a graduate class but undergraduates and visitors for the occasional class are very welcome.
Please register for PSYCH 560 D (Instructor Ione Fine) if you can!
For questions about VJC, contact Vaishnavi Mohan (vbmohan) or Ione Fine (ionefine
Student responsibilities
- All students should read the paper(s) before the paper discussion
- The day before the journal club all students will be expected to post one question or discussion comment on this google document.
- Each week either one graduate student or a graduate student/undergraduate pair will act as discussion leaders. They can select a paper from the list below, or choose their own. Do not choose a paper before reading it – that’s always a terrible idea!
Date TBD
Previous journal clubs
FALL 2024
Oct 1: Organizational meeting (assigning papers/dates to students) ZOOM LINK
Oct 8: Read Brian Wandell, Chapters 3, 5, 6. NO CLASS TODAY!
Oct 15: Benson doing Barlow. (Barlow H. B 1969 Pattern recognition and responses of sensory neurons.) ZOOM LINK
Oct 22: Todd (Carandini and Heeger 2011, Normalization as a canonical neural computation)
Oct 29: Vyom (Milner, A. D., & Goodale, M. A., 2008 Two visual systems re-viewed.)
Nov 5: Daniel (Newsome, Britten & Movshon, Neuronal correlates of a perceptual decision)
Nov 12: Kolibti (Sight recovery. Fine et al. 2003 and Huber et al. 2015)
Nov 19: Tina (Carrasco, Visual attention: The past 25 years)
Nov 26: Thanksgiving.
Dec 3: Oliver Wu (Kay et al. 2008) Identifying natural images from human brain activity.
Suggested papers (you are also welcome to pick your own)
Domain | Paper | Title | Link |
Classic papers | Hubel and Wiesel 1962 | Receptive fields, binocular interaction and functional architecture in the cat’s visual cortex | |
Classic papers on modeling | Adelson and Bergen 1985 | Spatiotemporal energy models for the perception of motion | |
Classic | Barlow H. B 1969 | Pattern recognition and responses of sensory neurons | |
Retinal modeling | Pillow et al. 2008 | Spatio-temporal correlations and visual signalling in a complete neuronal population | |
Modeling | Carandini and Heeger 2011 | Normalization as a canonical neural computation | |
Retinal physiology | Shlens et al. 2006 | The Structure of Multi-Neuron Firing Patterns in Primate Retina | |
Retina | Jorstad et al. 2017 | Stimulation of functional neuronal regeneration from Müller glia in adult mice | |
Retina | Manookin et al. 2018 | Neural Mechanisms Mediating Motion Sensitivity in Parasol Ganglion Cells of the Primate Retina | |
Visual prosthetics | Fine and Boynton 2024 | A virtual patient simulation modeling the neural and perceptual effects of human visual cortical stimulation, from pulse trains to percepts | |
Modeling | Watson and Ahumada 1983 | A look at motion in the frequency domain | |
Eye-movements, blindness | Ossandon et al. 2022 | Active Vision in Sight Recovery Individuals with a history of Long-Lasting Congenital Blindness | |
DL for vision | Peters et al. 2024 | How does the primate brain combine generative and discriminative computations in vision? | |
DL in vision review | Abbas et al. 2018 | A comprehensive review of recent advances on deep vision systems | |
Visual attention | Carrasco 2011 | Visual attention: The past 25 years | |
Physiology and disease | Silverman and Wong 2018 | Microglia in the Retina: Roles in Development, Maturity, and Disease |