WDRP - Washington Directed Reading Program

Frequently Asked Questions

For All Participants:

What’s the kick-off event?
The kick-off event is where mentors and mentees meet. Organizers will introduce the program and outline its structure. Each project team will set their meeting schedule, establish project expectations, and complete a contract form.

What’s the mid-quarter event?
The mid-quarter event is for mentees only. Each mentee will give a 3-minute presentation on what they have learned so far in their project.

What’s the end-of-quarter event?
At the end-of-quarter event, each mentee will deliver a 10-15 minute presentation on their project topic. The audience will include organizers, mentors, mentees, and the mentees’ guests.

What’s the WDRP seminar?
There are four WDRP seminars each quarter. During a seminar, a graduate mentor will give a 15-20 minute example talk. This is followed by an informal Q&A and mingling session. These seminars help mentees see different talk styles and formats and promote communication and collaboration among mentees.

For Undergraduate Students:

I haven’t heard back from the WDRP. What’s going on?
If you haven’t received a response by the latest announced date for project pairings on the application page, it means you were not selected.

What makes a strong application?
A strong application follows all instructions, clearly explains why you are interested in your chosen projects, and completes all prerequisites. Additionally, applicants should describe how they will benefit from the program.

Can I bring my friends to see the final presentation?
Yes, each mentee can bring a maximum of two guests. We will send an RSVP closer to the final presentation date.

Which events are mandatory?
The kick-off, mid-quarter, and end-of-quarter events are mandatory for all mentees. Additionally, mentees must attend at least two out of the four WDRP seminars. Specific event dates are on the application page.

What if I miss an event?
While mentees should not miss any events, we understand emergencies happen. Contact us immediately at wdrp@uw.edu in case of an emergency.

What should the mid-quarter talk look like?
The mid-quarter talk should be brief, highlighting what you have learned so far. It can be an overview of the project, a short example, or any key insights you want to share. Avoid excessive detail.

Can I present using slides?
Slides are not allowed for the mid-quarter talk. For the final presentation, slides are permitted but must be submitted 24 hours in advance. Failure to do so will result in not being allowed to use them.

For Graduate Students:

What’s the pay?
Pay varies depending on the annual budget. In previous years, it has been around $200 per quarter.

Do I get reimbursed for textbooks I use for WDRP?
Starting in 2024-25, we no longer process reimbursements for textbooks. The textbook funds have been directly reallocated to the mentor stipend.

Which events are mandatory?
The kick-off and end-of-quarter events are mandatory for all mentors. Check the application page for specific dates.

How does it work if I want to have two mentees?
If you want to work with two mentees, you must meet with each one individually for one hour each week, totaling two hours. Additionally, the final presentations of the two mentees should focus on different topics.

Am I guaranteed to get the undergrad I want?
Your preferences will be considered during project selection and team formation, but they do not guarantee the acceptance of your or the students’ applications.

How do I choose a topic?
Choose a topic not typically covered in the regular courses offered by the math department. For examples, check the Past Quarters page.

What if I am between topics?
Select the topic with the least required background. We often have many students interested in beginner and intermediate-level projects, and we aim to reach out to students exploring different majors. You can also propose two projects in your application, but ensure they are quite different from each other. Note that only one of your projects will be selected.

Can I read all the potential mentee applications and pick one for myself?

When is Albert’s birthday?
Every day.

Who is Albert?
Albert Artiles