Fall 2018 Newsletter

UW BMES Fall-Quarter Newsletter

UW BMES is a student-run chapter of the Biomedical Engineering Society serving students, faculty, and staff in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Washington. We are a multi-faceted group providing social, wellness, outreach, mentorship, and
professional development resources. To keep up with UW BMES follow us on Facebook for event updates, Instagram for officer and event spotlights!


BMES has a NEW website thanks to BMES Webmaster Josh. Stay updated on our calendar and resources posted from BMES events!

UW Bioengineering Resilience Project

UW BMES would like to foster a culture amongst students which prioritizes resilience and promotes growth in the face of failure and adversity. To do this, we created a resilience wall in the student lounge which displays stories of adversity, failure, and resilience submitted by our students, faculty and staff.

We invite you to check out the stories shared posted in the student lounge by our bioengineering community or click on the Wellness tab of our website!

Looking Back at Fall Quarter With BMES

BMES Fall Kick-Off

The newly re-vamped student lounge got rid of the old pool table and threw in some new seating and table space! Bioengineering students got to learn about fall events, meet the BMES officer team, check out the new lounge, and enjoy some food.

Bioengineering seniors enjoying the new student lounge couch brought in by BMES Student Store Officer Savannah at the BMES Fall Kick-Off!

Frye Art Museum Outing

Bioengineering students took a break from midterms to take a wellness visit to the Frye Art Museum in downtown Seattle with BMES Wellness Chair Diana. Whether it’s through a BMESsponsored event or not, make sure you’re making time to take care of yourself!

Intro to the MCAT

Bioengineering pre-med students learned about what the MCAT looks like and what content it covers from BMES Medical Chair Renae. They heard from some BIOE seniors on their experiences with studying and tips to tackle the exam.

Resume Workshop

BMES Academic Chair Nate hosted a Career Center at Engineering advisor to help bioengineering students with writing a resume and tailoring it for engineering industry and academia.

Outreach Training Workshop

Bioengineering students learned outreach modules to teach people in the greater community what bioengineering is all about! BMESOutreach Chair Hannah organized modules on alginate particles for drug delivery, ultrasound, and strawberry DNA extraction.


Bioengineering students were able to take a break from lab and get active doing Zumba, a fitness aerobic program based upon Latin American dance styles. BMES Wellness Chair Diana hosted an instructor from the IMA and Fitness Center West.

A Very BIOE Thanksgiving

Bioengineering students gathered to share what they were thankful for over a potluck dinner and fun games. BMES Social Chair Kara lead cohorts through mad libs and pumpkin decorating! Crosslink mentorship pairings organized by BMES CrossLink Chair Becky got together for some bonding!

Cocoa and Cram with Chinook

BMES Academic Chair Nate and BMES Wellness Chair Diana teamed up to help bioengineering students take a break from studying for finals and drink some hot chocolate in the student lounge. The best part – they got to hang out with our friendly bioengineering dog, Chinook!

Sophomores Get Active at Green Lake

Bioengineering sophomores got outside to play some ultimate frisbee and basketball at Green Lake organized by BMES Sophomore Cohort Representative Grace!

Juniors take on a Haunted House

Bioengineering juniors went out to a haunted house and bonded over some scares organized by BMESJunior Cohort Representative Tashi. The juniors have not yet reached a conclusion on which was scarier, the haunted house outing or the 325 midterm. They will get back to you.

Fall Merchandise and Foege Lockers

BMES Fundraising Chair Elli organized sweatshirt sales and passed these out at the BIOE Winter Party. Stay tuned for more opportunities for grabbing yours in winter quarter!

If interested in renting a Foege locker to store your things, two quarters is $6 and $5 for one! Please email BMES at bmes@uw.edu with “Sean Toulouie” in the subject line and how long you plan on having the locker for and BMES Treasurer Sean will get back to you!

Meet your 2018-2019 BMES Officer Team!

President – Jasmine Hawkins
VP of Professional Development – Rose Michelle
VP of Social, Wellness, & Outreach – Frances Ingram-Bate
Academic Chair – Nate Linden
CrossLink Chair – Becky Darrow
Fundraising Chair – Elli Ward
Junior Cohort Representative – Tashi Sherpa
Medical Chair – Renae Tessem
Outreach Chair – Hannah Redden
Social Chair – Kara de Leon
Sophomore Cohort Representative – Grace Kim
Student Store Officer – Savannah Lawton
Treasurer – Sean Toulouie
Webmaster – Josh Coyle
Wellness Chair – Diana Reiman

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