
The assessment process involves an initial intake appointment as well as a feedback session. The initial intake assessment typically includes a comprehensive interview including a structured diagnostic assessment and administration of self-report questionnaires. Intake appointments take approximately 3-4 hours for adult clients and 1-2 hours for child and adolescent clients. The assessment process also involves a second appointment for a feedback session to convey results from the initial intake assessment and provide tailored treatment recommendations.

Clients in the CALM clinic are assessed by an advanced graduate student clinician in the UW clinical psychology PhD program. All students are supervised by one of the 3 co-directors of the CALM Clinic (Drs. Zoellner, Dorsey, or Fang) and attend weekly supervision with their supervisor.

There is a flat fee for intake assessments, whereas treatment sessions after the initial assessment are adjusted based on income. Since the CALM Clinic is a training clinic, fees for assessment provided by unlicensed graduate student clinicians are not covered by insurance. Fees for assessment sessions are considered out-of-pocket expenses determined by the Clinic’s two-tiered fee scale based on client’s gross annual income.