Anaïs Capik, Research Coordinator

Anaïs Capik (she/her) is a postbac fellow at the Cognition & Cortical Dynamics Laboratory, having earned her Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Washington. Her research journey began at the LCD Laboratory at UW, where she explored the correlation between pupil dilation and short-term memory.

Currently, Anaïs spearheads a project investigating the impact of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on individuals afflicted with early-onset Alzheimer’s and dementia-related conditions. Additionally, she is actively engaged in a project in the CCDL laboratory, focusing on the assessment of memory quality in children and memory over the lifespan. This initiative is part of a broader project aimed at quantitatively measuring memory decline. Anaïs Capik’s academic path is marked by her diverse research interests in memory, cognition, and neuroscience.

In her spare time, Anaïs is typically on the top of random mountains. You can usually find her excitedly jumping up and down when she hears the word “ski” and she is happiest when hanging on a rock on a hard rock climb.