Read on to learn more about this exciting lecture by Rob Pena, of UW’s Department of Architecture:
Rob Pena is an associate professor in UW’s Department of Architecture where he teaches architectural design studios and environmental control systems courses with an emphasis on ecological design and high-performance buildings. This lecture will focus on “Greening the Built Environment”.
- When: Tuesday, Nov. 10
- Where: PACCAR Hall (PCAR), Rm. 290
- Time: 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
- More Info: Click Here
As part of the Environmental Innovation Practicum (EIP), speakers discussing cleantech solutions to pressing environmental issues will be visiting campus. The speakers will be guest lecturers in the class, but students, faculty, and other interested people are welcome to sit in. This lecture will be one of a Tuesday series running through Dec. 8, 2015.