Senior Year Advising–Advice from the Construction Faculty and 2 Seniors

Dear Juniors, 

We know that you are likely stressed about finals coming up this week, but something else to consider are the upcoming advising sessions during April that will be offered by the folks in the various CEE specialty areas. This posting is an invitation to join the Construction Group for either of two sessions that are planned for April 11 and April 18:

If you would like to hear suggestions/recommendations from the construction-oriented faculty about senior year courses, please drop in to one of two sessions we have arranged. The first is April 11, 1130 to 1220 in More 110 (limited seating). The second is a week later, April 18, 1130 to 1220 in More 220 (almost unlimited seats). Given your class schedules one of these two sessions should work for you. If you seek detailed advising, that is best done by Mariko or Brian.

Attending will be the construction faculty and two seniors. The seniors will cover why they have elected to work for contractors and how they sorted out their senior courses. Here is a document that contains the basic advising points we will be covering. Mostly, it is a course listing with courses that you might consider for next year (not just construction-oriented courses): Construction_Courses_for_Seniors–v03-13-2016

There is no sign up sheet, just show up if so inclined!