Did you know that approximately 80% of all jobs/internships are being found through a form of networking? Networking is a critical part of a successful job/internship search process. However, many people find networking challenging and do not know where to begin, so you’re not alone if you’re feeling lost! Listen to the two recorded webinars below to learn more about how to leverage your network in a job/internship search process and start building relationships with the people you want to learn more about.
– Networking Webinar – uw.joinhandshake.com/articles/10373
– Career Conversations (aka Informational Interview) Webinar – uw.joinhandshake.com/articles/10369
As always, if you have any questions, stop by during CC@E’s Walk-In hours (Mon-Thurs, 12:00-4:00pm) or schedule 1-1 appointments via Handshake.
Associate Director / Career Center @ Engineering
014 Loew Hall / Box 352180 / Seattle, WA 98195
Office 206.221.8423 / Direct 206.685.0385
aliceyk@uw.edu / Appointments via Handshake