Students: Get ready for the upcoming CEE Career Fair (1/17/19).
Have you created a Handshake account through the UW Career Center @Engineering yet? Handshake replaces Resume Book, so you can allow employers attending the CEE Career Fair to view your resume online.
Here are quick instructions on getting set up on Handshake from the director of CC@E.
1) Log-in using your NetID & password to your Handshake account at
2) Verify that the information under “Education” (e.g., College, major) are completed & correct (this is what most employers will use as the filter during their search)
3) Edit any additional information under other sections of the Handshake profile, including social media links (e.g., LinkedIn URL, portfolio)
4) Upload the latest copy of your resume to your Handshake profile under “Documents”
5) MAKE YOUR PROFILE PUBLIC (the most important last step! … employers will not be able to filter/search through “private” profiles)
Questions? Ask the Career Coaches at CC@E in Loew Hall 014 or email