SPR19 HCDE 298 – Inclusive Design (DIV)

It’s open to ENGR students only during Period 1, and all students Periods 2 and 3

HCDE 298 – Inclusive Design (3) Th 1130-220

Will satisfy DIV requirement.

How do we design inclusively? What does inclusive mean, and what are the practices that undergird building an inclusive society? What are the ethical implications of “inclusivity,” and how can we evaluate them? In this course, we will survey a range of methods in design and engineering that examine, support, and interrogate these issues. This is a studio course, we will work hands on, at scale, with these methods. Students can expect a fast-paced environment where we will try to enact inclusive methods, reflect on their capacities to broaden design and engineering goals, and to critique and evaluate their effectiveness from a variety of perspectives. You will learn about current practices related to the topic from both academic and industry practitioners to develop your own ideas about inclusive practices and efforts.


By the end of the course, you will have:

  1. Gained a better understanding of the differences between inclusive, universal, and accessible design
  2. Hands-on experience in prototyping in groups and individuals
  3. Increased your ability to use research and generative design to develop and explain an underlying rationale for the end product
  4. Increased capacity to critique and provide feedback on design ideas, especially through lenses of accessibility, inclusivity, and equity.
  5. Develop and articulate your own understanding of what “Inclusive Design” means.


Weekly Topics

  1. Course introduction, exclusive design activity
  2. Inclusive Design Workshop with Margaret Price, Principal Design Strategist, Microsoft
  3. Project Sidewalk: Crowdsourcing Sidewalk Accessibility with Dr. John Froehlich, CSE, UW
  4. Husky Adapt: Accessible Design and Play Technology with Dr. Dianne Hendricks, HCDE, UW
  5. Feminist HCI & Gender Equity with Wendy Roldan
  6. Inclusive Games with John Porter, Microsoft & HCDE
  7. Trans Identities and HCI with Os Keyes, HCDE
  8. Ethics of Inclusion with Cindy Bennett, HCDE
  9. Technological Racism with William Washington, UW-IT
  10. Invisibility and Inclusion




Academic Counselor – Senior
Human Centered Design & Engineering

Sieg Hall  Box 352315
3960 Benton Lane NE, WA 98195
206.221.6230  /  fax 206.543.8858
alex310@uw.edu  /  washington.edu