Hiring for Hydro Coming to Seattle

Hiring for Hydro brings together over 50 students from more than 10 colleges in the Pacific Northwest to participate in an educational workshop about careers in hydropower to be followed by a special recruiting session. This event was established to address the hiring needs of the industry, build academic interest at the college and trade school level, and create a strong conduit between industry and regional schools.

The event will be February 19th, 2020 at Hyatt Regency, Downtown Seattle.

Students are asked to complete a short application with contact information, why they are interested in attending this Hiring for Hydro event and what coursework they have taken related to hydropower.  This information is due by January 3, 2020.

Once selected into the program, the Hydropower Foundation will work with students to get a resume polished and help students be prepared for this exciting opportunity.

Learn more about Hiring for Hydro, the Seattle event, and apply for the event here.

contact Bree Mendlin, Program Director, at BREE@HYDROFOUNDATION.ORG with additional questions.