CEE Undergrad Update

Here’s some things to keep in mind for the coming days and weeks from the CEE advising team:

RSVP for the CEE Departmental Graduation Celebration

  • Sunday, June 14, 2020
  • 2:00-4:30pm in the HUB Ballroom

(The UW Commencement Ceremony will take place the day before on Saturday, June 13, 2020 at Husky Stadium)

 Senior Year Planning (BSENVE & BSCE): Step-By-Step Process

It’s never too early to start planning your Senior year. In fact, having a good idea of what your Senior year plan will look like will help you plan your Junior year as well. Once you’ve read the information below, you can use the attached planning sheets to assist:

  1. You will need to schedule your Capstone (5cr) for Spring quarter of your Senior Year and CEE 440: Professional Practice (2cr) for Spring quarter of your Junior year.
    1. Information for both the Capstone and Professional Practice can be found here: BSENVE | BSCE
  2. Next, you will want to prioritize your Technical Electives (TE) and Upper Division Engineering/Science Electives (UD).
  3. Use the Senior Year Planning pages  to lock in your TE and UD coursework based on your area(s) of interest.
  4. Use the Projected Course List to enter your classes into your MyPlan:
    • 2019-2020 CEE Projected Course List
    • 2020-2021 CEE Projected Course List – There has been a delay but we hope to have this list to you in the coming weeks. For the time being, please use the 2019-20  list as the majority of classes will be offered in the same quarters.
  5.  Once you have all of your Technical Electives and Upper Division Engineering/Science Electives accounted for and scheduled, you can begin to add in your remaining graduation requirements (Use your degree audit). The grad requirements are going to be offered most quarters and can be scheduled around your TE & UD requirements.

UW Wellness Resources

During times of added stress, it is important to maintain proactive self-care (get plenty of sleep, stay hydrated, practice stress reliving techniques, etc.).  For recommendations and tips, please see the UW Counseling Center’s website including these stress management resources.