Inland NW AGC Scholarship Opportunity

The Inland Northwest AGC is the principal construction trade association for Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. Originally started in 1921 in Spokane, the Inland Northwest AGC serves approximately 325 member firms including highway contractors, commercial building contractors, utility contractors, specialty and subcontractors, and firms that provide materials or services to the industry such as lawyers, insurance and bonding agents, suppliers, and more.

The AGC Scholarship Foundation was established by the chapter in 1981 to assist college students interested in management careers in the construction industry.  To date, the Foundation has awarded more than $150,000 in scholarships. The Inland NW AGC Scholarship Foundation awarded the first direct scholarship in the spring for the 2018-19 school year. The Inland NW AGC Memorial Scholarship Foundation provided scholarships up to four $2,000 awards to full-time students who have declared a construction related major.

The Scholarship Foundation will be receiving applications from interested students until 4:00 p.m. PST, March 27, 2020.

Download the application and learn more about the scholarship here.