CEE 220 in SUM2020

A message from the Undergrad Advising Team:
CEE will be offering CEE 220: Mechanics of Materials in SUM20.​
The request to add the course has been sent in and is pending, but we wanted to get the word out to the campus community as soon as possible.​
We are hoping to offer the course at the days/times below and will confirm once the class has been added to the SUM20 time schedule.​
Please distribute widely as you see appropriate.​
​CEE 220: Mechanics of Materials​
​Days/Times:​ Lecture – MTW 2:20PM-3:20PM, Lab – Th. 12:10PM-2:00PM                     ​
Location: TBD​
If you have any questions, please email ceadvice@uw.edu.