Engineering Mentorship Opportunity: Apply to Become an EPE

CEE Sophomores and Juniors,

Do you want to make a difference in the lives of first-year engineering students while developing your leadership skills? Apply now to become an Engineering Peer Educator!

The College of Engineering’s Engineering Peer Educator (EPE) program is a fantastic opportunity for current engineering undergraduates to gain valuable leadership experience while helping the 2021 incoming class of Engineering Undeclared students succeed in transitioning to college. EPEs mentor and support first-year students by facilitating the GEN ST 199 component of Engineering FIGs in Autumn 2021. If you’re eager to develop your collaboration and interpersonal communication and are passionate about giving back to the engineering community you are encouraged to apply!

Students who are selected to participate in the program will gain:

  • Concrete leadership, public speaking, and communication skills that will strengthen their resume
  • $1,000 scholarship
  • ENGR 498 credits to formalize their leadership experience

Applications are due by Tuesday, January 19th. Attend an information session to learn more and ask your questions:

  • Wednesday, Dec. 16th at 4pm PT
    • Zoom registration link here.
  • Thursday, Jan. 7th at 3:30pm PT
    • Zoom registration link here.
  • Tuesday, Jan. 12th at 4pm PT
    • Zoom registration link here.

Read more about the program here and submit an application soon. You can reach out to if you have questions or if you encounter any issues accessing the application form.