The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) student chapter at UW is to invite you to participate in their annual CADathon event! They are kicking off the start of this friendly competition Friday, February 19th at 4 pm PST over Zoom (Meeting ID: 946 8711 2630). This meeting will reveal the prompt, go over logistics, and provide expectations for the CADathon Expo where your design will be judged. If you are interested in participating, please complete this RSVP to register so you receive reminders and an overview of the kickoff (important if you’re unable to attend the kickoff) over email.
This event is open to all skill levels and all types of CAD software are allowed. We allow individuals and teams of two to participate. To fully participate, and have your design be judged for the chance to win a 3D printer, you (and/or your partner, if applicable) must be able to attend the CADathon Expo held on Tuesday, March 2nd at 6 pm PST over Zoom (same Meeting ID: 946 8711 2630).
If there are any questions, please contact them at
ASME @ UW welcomes any student regardless of their religion, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, and disability status. Closed captions will be provided and the meeting will be recorded.