CEE Majors (Especially Seniors): REFRESH YOUR DEGREE AUDIT

A message from the advising team:

Hello CEE Majors (and especially graduating seniors),

Over the past few months we’ve made a few significant coding changes to both the CIVE and ENVE degree audit systems and we need you to help us identify if there are any unexpected errors coming from those changes. Please refresh your degree audit now as well when you make any adjustments to your SPR21 schedule and let us know if anything looks off.

SPR21 graduating seniors:  Your degree audit will need to say “All requirements met if in progress classes are completed” for you to graduate. The errors we have seen involve Tech Electives and UD E&S Electives so pay close attention to those requirements.

 If you do notice any issues with your audit, please send an email to ceadvice@uw.edu outlining the issues you are seeing.

Please note that if you find errors, they are likely quick fixes so there is nothing to worry about.

We just need to know of them so we can fix the errors so that your code your classes apply appropriately.