CEE Ugrad Weekly: CEE Career Fair (1/27/22) | Writing Requirement Reminder | Drop-ins Update | Transportation Grad Program Info Session

CEE Undergraduate Weekly (12.8.21)


We wanted to touch base with you on a few items as you’re getting ready for finals:

Undergraduate Advising Update (Finals Week & Winter Break)

Drop-in hours will be the same over Finals Week (T/W, 11-12pm) but will not be held over Winter Break.

If you would like to speak with an adviser over the break, please check our advising calendars and if you don’t see a time that works for you, email ceadvice@uw.edu with your availability.

Save-the-Date: 16th Annual CEE Career Fair (Th, 1.27.22)

The 16th Annual CEE Career Fair will take place on Thurs, Jan 27,  2022, so please save the date on your calendar.

This year’s career fair will be virtual and as we get closer to the date, we will provide details about attending the virtual fair, scheduling 1-on-1 meetings with employers, and resources to help you prepare.

For now, we recommend connecting with the Career Center @ Engineering to receive career coaching/career exploration, update your resume/cover letters and discuss interview/career fair strategies.

APWA is also hosting a resume workshop tonight (Wed, Dec 8, 430pm)!

Additional Writing Requirement

Information on how to satisfy your additional writing requirement can be found on our CEE Student News Blog here.

If you are trying to create a “W by arrangement,” we recommend trying to contact an instructor prior to the beginning of the quarter (For WIN22, it would be a good idea to connect now).

Info Session: Graduate Studies in Transportation Engineering
Date: Monday December 13
Time: 3:00-4:00 PM
Location: HUB 334, or virtually at https://washington.zoom.us/j/92378657956

CEE Student News Blog

Recent Highlights:

We wish you the best of luck and please let us know if you need anything!