Hi All,
APWA @ UW is hosting our Emissions Target Zero – Fleet, Freight and Flight event TONGHT at 5pm.
Registration Link, more details, and Zoom link are provided below.
Please join us virtually on January 13th 5pm – 6pm, for our annual MPAC event put on by the UW Student Chapter of APWA. This event brings students and industry professionals together around an interesting public works topic and seeks to facilitate networking between UW students and professionals.
This meeting features three presenters who will describe the challenges and opportunities in decarbonizing three major transportation sectors.
- Electrification of Fleets – Eric Shimizu, PE, PTOE, Principal, Director for Smart Cities and Connected Vehicles
- Feasibility of Zero Emission Freight – Aaron Gooze, AICP, Principal, Fehr & Peers
- Challenges and Opportunities of Decarbonizing Aviation, Stephanie Meyn, Climate Program Manager, Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
AWPA Members: $15
APWA Non-members: $25
Students: Free
Eric Shimizu, PE, PTOE
Principal, Director for Smart Cities and Connected Vehicles, DKS Associates
Eric is a graduate of UW and specializes in ITS, technology, and transportation related projects. He is excited to lead New Mobility contracts, communication and security projects at the airport, and also help deliver traffic specific elements for local Design-Build projects.
Aaron Gooze, AICP
Principal, Fehr & Peers
Aaron is a Principal for Fehr & Peers, with a focus on “Big Data” applications, freight planning, and multimodal operations. Aaron has supported local and regional jurisdictions in transportation planning through innovative data processes.
Stephanie Meyn
Climate Program Manager at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport
Stephanie is an atmospheric scientist with over 25 years of experience measuring, modeling and quantifying air emissions. In her airport role, she is responsible for developing and managing carbon reduction strategies, with a focus on renewable fuels, electrification, efficiency, and leading-edge technology. She is also responsible for climate mitigation strategies at the airport, which includes identification of vulnerable airport systems and assets
APWA @ UW is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Emissions Target Zero – Fleets, Freight and Flight!
Time: Jan 13, 2022 05:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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