Hi Civil and Environmental Engineering students and graduates,
Hope you are all doing well! My name is Kale Chang Yuen and I am a civil engineer with King County Metro Transit (Metro). Metro is currently looking for two new engineers to join our team and we wanted to reach out to the UW CEE community.
We in the Engineering and Capital Group oversee a multitude of different projects within King County (and slightly beyond). Some of the highlight projects the candidates will work on include RapidRide, Battery Electric Bus charging, transit base facilities, assessing new transit routes/stops, working with Sound Transit to integrate bus movements at stations, and many others. We also work with partner agencies (incl. Seattle, WSDOT, Bellevue, Renton, etc) to make sure our bus and multimodal projects meet city and agency requirements. The County and Metro also have high equity and environmental standards that each project strives to meet.
Our engineers are versed in AutoCAD, AutoTURNs, ADA, drainage, estimating, and civil roadway design to assess and deliver projects.
Appreciate your time and if you are interested please reach out to the HR team in the chain below. Wish you all the best!