CEE 500: Environmental and Water Program Seminar (Thur, 3:30, BEG, ): Dr. Chris Brueck, Scientist at Exponen

Dear CEE Community,

This week’s CEE 500 EWP seminar will feature Dr. Chris Brueck, who is a scientist at Exponent, Bellevue WA office.

Title: Nontargeted chemical analysis and risk assessment of organic contaminants in darkibor kale grown under rural and urban conditions

Where: Thur (5/18) at 3:30, Bagley Hall (BAG, 154). Zoom: https://washington.zoom.us/j/98585582078

Chris and a few other Experiment scientists will be available to share flyers about Exponent and information on their projects before and after the seminar. Further details of that will be emailed to student and postdoc lists later on Wednesday.

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