Landslide Risk Research Opportunity

Dear students,

I would like to hire an hourly research intern (either undergrad or MS student) to help me with two small projects on landslide risk. The project sites include earthquake impacted areas in southeastern Turkiye, where the earthquake last February triggered landslides and debris flows; and several wildfire sites in northwestern Cascades where landslides may be expected as roots die within several years.  ArcGIS and QGIS skills and some experience with Python are desired. This position may evolve into a PhD research assistantship, conditioned on the outcome of a pending NASA proposal. Several landslide data sets will be evaluated and preliminary models will be run using the Landlad earth surface modeling toolkit ( We will also work with the NHERI RAPID facility to process point cloud data from drone surveys.

If you are interested, please email me your CV, and a shot statement explaining your background, interests, and any ArcGIS, QGIS, and Python experience.

Erkan Istanbulluoglu <>

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