CIVE Seniors: Apply now for Richard Wiebe’s Boeing Industry Capstone in Structural Mechanics

Hello CIVE Seniors –

CEE Professor Richard Wiebe is running his Boeing Industry Capstone across WIN24 and SPR24.

Details about the capstone opportunity and how to apply can be found below and on the attached flyer.

The priority deadline to apply is this Friday, Oct 27th by 3pm PST.

-Brian & Lauren

The flyer for the industry capstone project is attached. Unfortunately, I am still waiting on a few more details, but in summary, this is a structural mechanics capstone, with an emphasis on composites which are of great importance in the aerospace structures world. If this sounds like an interesting option to you, please apply for the project by emailing the following to

(1) A one-page statement of interest. This should highlight your interest, and any experience you may have in aerospace structures.

(2) A copy of your unofficial transcript, which should show the structures classes (and any other classes such as CAD) that you have taken. There are no strict pre-requisites beyond our standard structures classes in CEE, but preferentially we will have team members with a range of expertise.

Deadline: Priority Deadline to send these items to me is Friday, Oct. 27th. You will hear back from me prior to next Friday’s SPR24 (Nov 3) registration.

Note, this capstone is sometimes oversubscribed as it is a small team project. This means that I may not be able to take all that apply. For this reason, I ask that you only apply if you are serious about a possible career in aerospace structures. Our regular spring quarter structures capstone has no space limits, so you ultimately will be able to find a capstone project.

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