ACI Recruitment


My name is Vania Moreno-Colin, and I am a Junior in civil engineering and this year’s American Concrete Institute (ACI) UW Student Chapter President. The ACI-UW Chapter is a student organization that connects students to concrete construction industry professionals, including engineers, architects, contractors, and materials suppliers. We invite you to join ACI-UW to participate in a great organization that offers networking events, site/plant tours, career opportunities in the concrete construction field, and travel opportunities.

In particular, our team faces a new concrete design challenge twice a year, requiring extensive research and out-of-the-box thinking to meet the competition’s demands. Competitions are in the Fall and Spring quarters, with designs starting before or at the beginning of the quarter. Depending on the competition, we construct formwork and atypical molds and work with rebar. Altogether, we design, manufacture, and compete in concrete conventions nationwide.


The ACI-UW Chapter is looking for civil engineers, construction managers, architects, and anyone interested in working with concrete to apply


This quarter, we are preparing for a concrete workability competition in New Orleans in the spring quarter (March 23-27). If interested, please in participating, please consider applying using the link below. For those who go, travel costs are covered, so all you must worry about is dedicating yourself to the team and the current competition challenge. 


The application is now open.

Applications will close on January 25th.


Application Link:

TK-student-membership-flyer (2) (2)

FILE_5015 (2) (2)

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