Short-Term Engineering Research Summer Camp in Taichung, Taiwan (NCHU)

Hi CEE students,

Please take a look at this great opportunity!

National Chung Hsing University has invited us to nominate one student to participate in their 2024 College of Engineering Summer Camp, a 2-week experience including directed research in one of the below NCHU research groups:

  • Department of Civil Engineering 
  • Department of Mechanical Engineering 
  • Department of Environmental Engineering 
  • Department of Chemical Engineering 
  • Department of Materials Engineering 
  • Graduate Institute of Precision Engineering 
  • Graduate Institute of Biomedical Engineering 

Both graduate and undergraduate students are eligible. There are no charges for tuition, accommodations, or food for the program, though students are responsible for additional expenses including travel costs.

If you are interested, follow the directions in the attached documents, sending application materials to me (Sarah Pauling by email by Monday, March 25.

Summer Camp leaflet & Itinerary 2024_1228

NCHU summer camp 2024 application form & consent letter

Taiwan Summer Internship Program 2024

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