Recruiting a Hydroclimatology Postdoc

Hi all,

This snow hydrology focused postdoc opportunity may be of interest to you:

Recent 3 publications:

  1. Drought Early Warning and Forecasting: Theory and Practice
  2. Unprecedented Pre-COVID-19 Acute Food Insecurity in Sub-Saharan Africa
  3. Improving early warning of drought-driven food insecurity in southern Africa using operational hydrological monitoring and forecasting products.

The job will be initially funded by an Army Corps project focused on understanding the snow-soil interface to improve vehicle mobility (odds of getting stuck) in adverse conditions. One group at DRI is focusing on the modeling of the snow and soil columns while my group is focused on developing snow and soil climatologies and probabilistic information using reanalysis and LSM outputs to inform decision support. Ideally, the candidate would also be a good fit to potentially stay at DRI and the WRCC after the postdoc. Listing is here:–Snow-Hydrology_R0138914

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