SPR24 Registration Planning

Hi CEE Majors,

We just made a canvas post with instructions for registering and planning for SPR24 classes. We had some IT issues with our canvas page last week, so if you aren’t able to access it, please let us know! In the meantime, the post is duplicated below – let us know if you have any questions !


This week’s post is all about preparing for SPR24 registration, which begins on Friday, February 9. There is a lot of information here, so please make sure to review everything.

SPR24 Registration & Planning

The SPR24 time schedule is now live, and Period I registration begins on Friday, February 9. If you’re unsure of your registration date, you can check it here or on your MyUW portal. When planning, reference the Current Undergraduate Student Page for degree requirements and projected course offerings in CEE.

SPR24 Notices: 

    • CEE Capstones: While some of our capstones are already underway, there are four spring-quarter capstone options available as well – CEE 441 (Transportation), CEE 442 (Structures/geotech), CEE 444 (Hydraulics/Hydrology) and CEE 445 (Environmental). For a detailed description of each capstone project, check the “Files” page on canvas.
    • CEE 490: Air Pollution Control will likely no longer be offered next quarter. If this changes, we will let you know, but for now, plan on taking an alternate class.
    • CEE 378: Structural Analysis is essential for all students interested in pursuing a structural and/or geotechnical engineering pathway in their senior year. Because this class is only offered in the spring, it must be taken during spring quarter of your junior year. Without CEE 378, you will not be eligible to take the structures/geotech capstone as a senior.
    • CEE 440: Professional Practice – Juniors should plan to take this course in SPR24 as indicated on the BSCE & BSENVE degree sheets, and the sample 4-year plan.
  • All CEE courses will have open enrollment to majors on a first come, first served basis. If you are unable to register for your preferred courses or sections on your registration day, please submit an add code request so we can gauge student interest. However, make sure you have backup classes planned; we cannot guarantee approval of all add code requests.

SPR24 Special Topics Courses

  • CEE 498 A: Building Energy & Habitability with Professor Dorothy Reed
    • Description: The University of Washington is committed to creating a resilient, sustainable campus. UW leadership is presently evaluating the buildings on campus in terms of green building standards, energy usage, and greenhouse gas emissions in order to assess campus sustainability and resiliency. This course will investigate what constitutes a resilient, sustainable community such as the UW; and in particular, it will assess the habitability and functionality of on campus buildings such as Life Sciences. Life Sciences was designed and constructed to be sustainable and resilient, and the architects focused on the internal systems that are responsible for indoor environmental quality (IEQ) and resilient sustainable energy systems. After taking this course, students will be able to identify and incorporate design strategies and technologies for buildings to enhance both energy performance and occupant comfort. Students will learn how to identify the impact of climate change on building energy usage, using time series data of local temperatures and humidity. Students will learn what levels of energy are required for minimal building functions, and how to assess the reliability of the electric delivery system of utilities. Students will be able to identify and estimate the impact of the building envelope  materials on the building energy efficiency. Students will be introduced to eQUEST and other energy-related software.
    • 3 credits, MW 8:30-9:50. BSCE construction-area technical elective, BSENVE engineering & science elective.
  • CEE 498 D: Transportation Energy & Sustainability with Professor Don MacKenzie
    • Description: Introduces the economic, environmental, and equity impacts of transportation, and investigates technical and policy approaches to decarbonizing transportation cost-effectively and fairly. Topics include transportation demand management; vehicle technologies; alternative fuels; dynamics of technology change; and roles of state, federal, and international policy. The course includes some guest speakers from industry, government, and nonprofits, and encourages students to think broadly, analyze systematically, and communicate effectively in this area.
    • 3 credits, TTh 8:30-9:50. BSCE transportation-area technical elective, BSENVE engineering & science elective.

Class-Specific Notes

  • Seniors: Once you register for your SPR24 classes, refresh your audit to make sure all classes are populating as expected. If you are graduating in SPR24, your degree audit should show all requirements as a yellow “in progress” or as a green “yes”. If your audit shows missing requirements that you didn’t expect, let us know as soon as possible! If you are planning to graduate in SPR24 or SUM24 and have yet to do so, submit a graduation application. If you’ve applied to graduate, your graduation date will be shown at the top of your audit.
  • Juniors: Continue to register for your Track I and II classes on your own, following your assigned track. We will not be distributing add codes. Make sure to reference the BSCE and BSENVE degree sheets for information on your tracks and other requirements. You can also start planning for your senior year using the senior year planning documents (located under “Files”).
  • Sophomores: Continue taking program prerequisites and, as your schedule allows room, other graduation requirements (A&H, SSc, W, etc) as outlined on the sample 4-year plan on the BSCE or BSENVE degree sheets. You should try to complete the Physics and Chemistry courses in sequence by the end of your sophomore year, if possible, as both the BSCE and BSENVE junior years are fully packed with 300-level courses. If you’re done with prerequisites now, you may also choose to start on the 300-level courses in SPR24. If you have questions about which classes might be a good fit for you, or if you have concerns about finishing your prerequisite classes before AUT24, please consult with us by making an appointment or sending an email to ceadvice@uw.edu.

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