Climate Survey update and reminder

Dear CEE community,

Thanks to all 221 of you who have already done the CEE Climate Survey. That is almost 40% of the department! If you have not done the survey yet, there is still time and we want to hear from all of you. 

Our goal is a 70% response rate from the department – we are more than halfway there. Also, 70% unlocks a $500 draw prize from Apple or Microsoft. For your reference here are the response rates by group in the department. Lets try to get 70% in each group so we make sure everyone is represented.

Juniors: 55%,  Seniors: 31%, PhD students: 32%, MS students: 22%, Postdocs: 13%, Staff: 41%, Faculty: 79%

CEE Climate Survey

You will need to be logged in with your UW NetID. I have heard that this has given some people trouble. One suggestion is to log out of your browser (or use a different one) to make sure that you are signed in with your UW NetID credentials. As a reminder, the survey is anonymous and NetIDs will not be connected to your responses. The survey will help us develop actionable strategies and to monitor our progress toward a stronger and more supportive CEE community. We want everyone’s input for this!

Reminder about survey details

As part of CEE’s strategic plan we are commiting to improving the experience of all CEE community members. This annual survey allows us to measure progress and prioritize areas for improvement to create a welcoming and supportive environment for all, regardless of race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic status, language, (dis)ability, age, political perspective, or other groups. 

CEE will do this survey annually. Results will be used to help us develop actionable strategies and to monitor our progress toward a stronger and more supportive CEE community. We will report back to the CEE community on the results of this survey in Spring 2024.

To limit participation to CEE community members, you will need to be logged in with your UW NetID. 

To protect confidentiality:

  • The survey is anonymous (NetIDs / email addresses will not be connected to your responses).
  • You can choose not to answer questions.
  • Data will be analyzed only by members of the DEI committee.
  • Survey results will not be reported for groups containing fewer than 5 individuals.

To encourage participation, we will randomly select four respondents to receive a $25 Starbucks gift card. If we achieve a minimum of 70% participation, we will randomly select one respondent to receive a $500 Apple or Microsoft gift card.

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