Hello students,
Applications have opened for three 24-25 scholarships through the College of Engineering. All are one-year awards, but students may apply again in future years contingent on continued satisfactory progress in the College.
- The Toimi and Eila Ahola Endowed Fund for Engineering and Social Justicewill be awarded to students in the College of Engineering who are engaged in UW programs or projects intended to advance social justice. Undergraduate and graduate students are eligible.
- The Ali Mojtahedi Humanities and Engineering Nexus Scholarshipsupports UW undergraduate engineering and computer science students that are also pursuing academic studies in any arts, humanities, or social sciences field in the College of Arts & Science.
- The O’Donnell Research Scholarship for Undergraduate Engineerssupports undergraduate students who are engaged in research in the College of Engineering.
The online application forms are all available here, containing full eligibility and application information. Applications are due March 31st.