CEE Majors,
If you are interested in the intersection of structures and fluids, you need to come listen to Mike Motley talk on Th at 330pm in More 230.
See details below.
For undergrads interested in the intersection between fluids and structures:
Please join us this Thursday at 3:30 in More 230 to hear
Professor Mike Motley (see link below for bio)
speaking on
Quantification of Structural Loading from Flow-Induced Debris Fields
Each year hazard-driven debris impacts result in millions of dollars in damage, and the latent risk for existing coastal infrastructure systems is enormous. In tsunami risk zones, the threats from the large-scale coastal inundation are exacerbated by the accumulation of large debris fields that impact and build up around critical infrastructure. Mitigation efforts for such risks and damage via improved design and strategic retrofit investment require quantification and characterization of the forces associated with such debris impacts. Specifically, forces associated with large, disorganized debris fields need additional study. Further, evacuation strategies rely on predictable lifelines, so understanding the flow of debris at larger scales is critical to post-event response. In this seminar we will explore how we are trying to quantify debris impacts through experimental and numerical study and how we have tried to understand the chaotic nature of these events. Specifically, we will present complementary datasets from recent tests conducted in the Large Wave Flume at Oregon State University in the NASIRF wind-wave flume at the University of Washington, associated fluid-structure-debris interaction modeling approaches, and possible extensions of these approaches.
Fun facts about Mike Motley (including a stand-off with a 10-12 foot mother alligator) : https://www.ce.washington.edu/news/article/2023-03-17/faculty-spotlight-michael-motley
The entire seminar schedule can be found here:
Note that next week we will be at Engineering Discovery Days, and the week after, we will be in Alder Hall.