Dear CEE Community,
I am writing to share the bittersweet news that Lauren Lanum will be leaving UW and CEE to start her next chapter in Vancouver, WA.
Lauren and her husband have just purchased a new home and Lauren will be staring a new advising position at Clark College!
Lauren was hired by CEE as Program Coordinator in 2019 and was promoted to Undergraduate Academic Counselor in 2021.
Since her arrival, Lauren has made a huge impact in CEE, streamlining many of our processes and helping countless students reach their goals and overcome obstacles. She has also been an active member of the UW advising community as a member of AEP, leading their advising basics seminar for the past two years.
Lauren has been an amazing team member and a strong advocate for our students and I cannot begin to tell you how much she will be missed.
To send her off in style, we will be hosting a dessert potluck in More Hall Room 219 on Tuesday, August 6th from 3-4pm.
Lauren’s official last day at UW will be Aug 15, 2024.
Please join me in thanking Lauren for her years of service and wishing her the best in her future endeavors!
Post a message for Lauren at this Kudoboard link: