Seats still open in two great Arctic courses!


Seats are still available in two of the most unique and exciting courses of the quarter! Both taught by Jason Young, senior research scientist with the Technology and Social Change Group at the UW Information School, these two courses are complementary and an excellent introduction to the Arctic region, its peoples, and their impact on international relations and current events.

ARCTIC 200: Indigenous Diplomacies and International Relations in the Arctic (5 credits)

When: Tuesdays/Thursdays, 12:30-2:20pm

Where: GLD room 435

Taught by Jason Young, senior research scientist with the Technology and Social Change Group at the UW Information School, this course emphasizes perspectives of the region’s Indigenous peoples. The Arctic provides an important case study for understanding international relations, given the complexity of geopolitical issues and the strong presence of Indigenous peoples in the region. Introduces Indigenous peoples, languages, and ways of thinking.

Counts towards the Arctic Studies Minor. Fulfills the SSc general education requirement.

ARCTIC 101: Elementary Inuktut: Inuit Language and Culture in Canada (5 credits)

When; Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday/Friday, 10:30-11:20am

Where: SAV room 167

For the first time, this course is open to all students — undergraduate and graduate alike! This course develops basic communication skills in both oral and written Inuktut, the Inuit language spoken in Canada. Covers basic history and cultural context of Inuit in Inuit Nunangat, and Inuit communities outside the Arctic. Develops intercultural knowledge and understanding. First in a sequence of three.

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