Week 3 – Grad School & Career Fair Prep Sessions | Register for the CEE Career Fair | Volunteer at the CEE Career Fair

Hello CEE Majors,

I’ve got a few reminders to share as we start week 3 of AUT24.

1.  Register Now for the CEE Career Fair! (Wed, Oct 16, 2024)

Many of our employers will look through the RSVPs for prospective candidates so we highly recommend RSVPing at your earliest convenience to get the most out of the Career Fair!

The company list is now set for the CEE Career Fair. You can find the company list on Handshake. It is also highly recommended to connect with CC@E to fine-tune your resume.

2. Volunteer to Help at the Career Fair (Wed, Oct 16, 2024)

We need student volunteers on Wed, Oct 16th  from 11am-6pm.

There are many volunteer positions available throughout the day.  Each of these positions will put you in a unique position to interact with our recruiters before, during and after the event.

Volunteer times are flexible so please let us know when you are available. (Most volunteer roles happen before 1:30pm and after 4:30pm so you will still be able to attend the career fair if you volunteer.)

          Sign up to volunteer here!

Events this week

  • CEE Grad School Info Session (Today, Tues 10/8, 11-12pm, MOR 110)

This is a fantastic opportunity for all undergraduate students interested in furthering their education. You will find a helpful document with checklists and instructions for graduate school applications here!

Join us for an informative session where you’ll learn about the application process, gain valuable insights, and have the chance to ask questions. We’ll also have snacks available to grab and enjoy while you mingle!

Graduate Advisors will answer questions, and a few faculty members from different areas will be present to share their experiences and offer advice on navigating graduate school applications.

  • CEE and Construction Career Fair Preparation Session with Steve Muench (Wed 10/9, 12:30-1:20pm, MOR 230)

There are two big career fairs (and another one that may be of use) happening in October. My very highest recommendation is to attend them and find your next job or internship. It will never be easier to get a job or internship than at these career fairs. But…you may want to       know how they will go down, you may want advice on how to approach them, and you may want to know what these companies are looking for. We got            you. I know the College had a prep session today, and I’m offering our departmental services for one next week.

               When are these career fairs?.

    • CEE Career Fair. Wednesday, 10/16, 1:30-4:30 in the HUB Ballroom. This is your 1A most important career fair. There will be oodles of companies looking for interns and full-time hires. Lots of students get their internships and jobs through contacts made at the career fair. It’s like shooting fish in a barrel. There are eager companies everywhere.
    • Construction Career Expo. Tuesday, 10/29, 11:00-3:00 in the HUB Ballroom. This is your 1B most important career fair. It may be your MOST important if you are interested in construction engineering. There will be oodles of construction companies (big, small, building, infrastructure, and everything in between) looking for interns and full-time hires.
    • SEBA Science and Engineering Career Fair. Tuesday, 10/15, 11:30-3:30 in the HUB Ballroom (is it a ballroom or a career fair room?). They will have all sorts of companies here, and some will be civil or construction companies. This is definitely the least important of the 3, but it still works and there are still internships/jobs available here.

That’s all for now. If you need to connect with me, attend drop-ins on T/W 11-12pm, check my calendar below for availability, or email ceadvice@uw.edu with your weekly availability and a summary of your questions.

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