Summer 2023:
ESRM 403: Forest & Economic Development in the Developing World
Summer A Term, NSc
100% Online Course, Synchronous
ESRM 403 Course Flyer
This course examines the relationship between forests and economic development. Topics include: illegal logging, forest-based industrialization, forest certification, globalization and forestry, sustainable forest management, community forestry.
ESRM 490 B / SEFS 590 A: Introduction to LIfe Cycle Assessment Applied to Bio-Based Products
Summer Full Term
100% Online Course, Synchronous
ESRM 490 / SEFS 590 Course Flyer
Life cycle assessment is an internationally recognized method to assess the environmental impact of products and processes throughout their life cycle. This course combines theoretical knowledge and applications.
Fall 2023:
SEFS 508, Plant Modeling
Flyer attached. Limited Seats.
AUT 2023, 3 credits, Fridays, 10:30-1:20
SLN 21378
In this course, students use their knowledge about the physiology and ecology of
plants to build and apply process-based plant ecophysiology models for addressing
questions like “how will plants respond to rising CO2 and temperature?” and “How
much carbon does a tree fix in their lifetime?” The primary focus is on explanatory
models that explain how plants work. Basic understanding and curiosity in plant
physiology and interest in scientific computing are recommended. Most coding is
done in Julia language using Cropbox modeling framework developed at UW
( Fluency in programming is not required. See lab
materials at: